Case Study - Norgine


Interview with Koen Janssens,
Associate Director of Field Force Effectiveness at Norgine


Norgine is a leading European specialist pharmaceutical company that has been bringing transformative products to patients for over a century.

They rolled out Cheemia ReSET throughout their global sales team during the pandemic and have been impressed with how “Cheemia is different. It is a journey and they stay along with you. All the tips and tricks are here and you can go back and see them time and time again.”


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After one month, one month and a half, we started to see the number of video calls with customers registered in the CRM system increase. So, it started around 150-200 video calls a month, now we are close to 800-900 registered. We see an increase of using the remote channel with more ease. By using the techniques that were shown in ReSET, we could successfully launch two products even in Covid times.
— Koen Janssens, Associate Director Field Force Effectiveness, Norgine